Additional Services


Urgent Care Vet also Provides First Aid!

Urgent Care Vet also
Provides First

First aid services cover a wide array of aliments or injuries that may require urgent care. Some conditions requiring first aid are minor lacerations, torn or broken nails, minor burns, debris in the eye, or fluid therapy. We also offer casting and splinting. If you think your pet has a condition that needs first aid medical attention, please do not hesitate to reach out today!


Surgery Services

Surgery services are offered at Urgent Care Vet. Depending on the case, pets who require non-elective surgery will be offered surgery at our clinic. You will also have the option to discuss outside surgery referrals with the veterinarian.


Euthanasia & Cremation

End-of-life services and euthanasia are available for your beloved companion at Urgent Care Vet. We can also help assist you with cremation and paw print memorials through a third-party cremation service that works with local veterinarians.

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Care Vet Today